But I'm Not Like You!

It seems like my whole life I have been saying "But I'm not like you!"  I don't understand why we can't accept each other as we are.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a Kumbyah moment thinking why can't we all just get along!  I am just saying that we all have different paths to take, and we even have different ways to get to the same place. You don't have to like what I'm doing, what I'm saying, where I'm going, who I'm going with and what I do once I get there.  You also have the prerogative and freedom to voice your opinion about it and to have nothing to do with me.  I'm all about agreeing to disagree.  BUT DON'T MAKE ME BE LIKE YOU! You believe what you believe, and I believe what I believe, and we just avoid our differences. Can't you just care or love someone even though you disagree with them.  Why can't you just say, I believe you are wrong, but I'm going to love you anyway?  Isn't that what true Christianity is about? Doesn't God love all of us?  You betcha He does, but you better believe He does not approve ALL of what we do or say, and the path we take is completely up to us, but that does not stop Him from loving us.  I also believe that at some point He will turn some of us away because of our actions or lack thereof.  I get all that, so don't try to turn it all around on me and wag your finger!  If a character trait or action you see in another person bothers you so much it causes a divide, it is probably better to just walk away from something you can't or don't have the right to control than to make yourself miserable trying to change it.  Believe me, the person you are trying to change will also be relieved.  I know there are times in life when you see someone you care about living or doing something YOU DON'T BELIEVE is good, honest, healthy, etc., and you should try to redirect them if possible, but it is not your responsibility once they are an adult.

I guess what I'm trying to say is either love me the way I am, or leave me alone, but don't try to change me to be what you want me to be.  If I love you, I love you the way you are.  Nothing will stop my loving you once I love you.  I may not always agree with you and I will voice my opinion about it, but I won't stop loving you.  You don't have to change for me.  ~ Love, Momma Richter


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