By Way of Explanation......

Those who know me I know at times want to tell me to just chill out, give it a rest, take a breath, etc. when it comes to the Constitution and our freedoms, the value of life and liberty, and the politics of the day.  I am the first to admit that I'm a news junkie and politics addict.  What prompted me to even write this are the events of this week between the executive branch and the judicial branch of our government and a news blurb I heard where a school wanted to change the words of "God Bless the USA" to be used in a school assembly to take "God" out of the song, and in the end decided that no song was necessary because they didn't want to offend anyone.

I know there are other aspects of life that are important too, but if we don't take care of the Constitution and what freedoms we have left in this great country, my life and yours will look very different from its present state -- beginning with the freedom OF religion (not from religion), 2nd Amendment rights, healthcare choices, lifestyle choices, employment opportunities, all the way down to what we choose to eat.  We will be too worried about surviving and complying with government regulations and not offending someone (except Christians) that we will not have the freedoms to participate in the leisurely and mindless activities that we Americans are so apt to enjoy.

Can you imagine a time in this country perhaps where we might have to hide our Bibles, or be secretive in worship? Or a time when your child is born with a birth defect or a mid-50's aged someone needs a life saving operation and someone from the government gets to decide whether that human being should have the medical treatment necessary to keep it alive based on some list of criteria as to its viability to be a productive citizen?  Or a time when the government instructs all citizens to turn in their guns?  Or a time when the government tells you that based upon your education and skills, you are to work this particular job as opposed to what you CHOOSE to do?  To most of you reading this, I know these scenarios are incomprehensible to you.  They are to me also.  However, if we do nothing, or say nothing to distribute the information as to what is going on in our government, how will you know.  If there are not people like me who are passionate about "politics" and everyone just believes what they hear from their favorite newscaster, or chooses not to hear it at all, how will we know what the government is attempting to do.  This is not a republican/democrat issue.  This is a freedom issue.

I am certainly aware that only God is in control of this country and all the world, and that it is up to Him and His will as to the outcome, which in turn means that (whether we like to accept the fact or not) he actually places the leaders of the countries in their positions.  I have no illusions that my keeping up with politics and speaking passionately about them and trying to inform people of what is going on will in any way change a darn thing, but at least we might have a heads up to see what is coming our way and be prepared.

To all of you who tire of my endless political drivel, please know that I only get passionate about it because I want my children and grandchildren to enjoy the freedoms that are being slowly eroded away, to have the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  So dear family and friends, when you have to take a deep breath and say "there she goes again," just remember its because I love you and want the best for the future for you and yours. 


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