Both Sides Now

Judy Collins recently passed away, and naturally they paid tribute to her on the radio by playing her more popular songs.  Driving home that day they played "Both Sides Now."  I'll admit that in my youth I never gave these lyrics much thought, mainly because I was young and not necessarily looking at the "deeper" meaning of things.  However, on that drive home I REALLY listened to the words to this song realizing that despite my age and knowledge, and sometimes wisdom, things are ever changing, and what I was sure of in my youth is not necessarily the same things I was sure of as I aged, and I am realizing that I am not really sure about anything any more. Not all things are black and white, and that the older I get, the grayer the line becomes. The one thing I am sure of, and I believe that it is the only thing that counts, is God in heaven above.

Enjoy the song, and if you have time, really listen to the words. - Love, Momma Richter


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