Remember What It Felt Like.....

When you were little and you stood in a circle with your friends, held hands, ran around in a circle until you got so dizzy you fell down;
When you laughed so hard it made your belly hurt, or your face hurt, or made you cry, or pee your pants;
When you would lay in the grass in the summer and find shapes in the clouds;
When you would see a rainbow and try your darndest to find the other end;
When that boy (or girl) that you really, really liked accidentally touched your hand or arm while passing in the hallway;
When that boy (or girl)  that you really, really liked looked your way and your eyes met and you couldn't look away fast enough and flush you felt overtake your face;
When that boy (or girl) that you really, really liked kissed you for the first time;
When you were in your teens and you stayed up all night with your friends thinking how it couldn't get any better than this;
To see and smell the ocean for the first time;
To fly in an airplane for the first time;
When you hear your favorite song for the first time in a long time;
When you see an old friend that you haven't seen for years and you take up exactly where you left off;
To find out you are going to have a baby;
To feel that baby move inside of you for the first time;
To hold that baby in your arms for the first time;
To sit next to someone you love dearly and hold their hand while they are dying;
To wake up everyday next to the one person in your life that you love more than life itself;
To know that what you just witnessed was a glorious act of God and you, you got to see it first hand......

I didn't mean to get so maudlin, but I just wanted to remind everyone to cherish and hold close to their hearts those small moments in life that make you feel alive. And that usually, nothing is really ever as bad as it seems.  Life and death are what is important and all the stuff in between is the journey that we need to enjoy for all it's worth.  ~ Love, Momma Richter


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