
The day yesterday was too beautiful of a day to let go to waste.  Again, instead of being the dutiful adult and taking care of things at home, Richter and I loaded up the truck with our fishing poles and went down the road a ways to go fishing on one of the small tributaries at the Lake.  The wind was pretty swift and the water was really muddy, but the sun was shinning and it just felt good to sit on the gravel bar and toss our lines into the water.  For me, sitting there watching the water and listening to it slap on the shore kind of just washes away the problems and stresses of the week before; however temporary it might be. The same stress will be there again next week, and I know I just need to recharge myself.

These days I find myself needing to try more and different ways to decompress.  The need to find the goodness in others mostly, but also to find the goodness in me.  Sometimes I feel like I have lost "me" because of other perceived duties and obligations in my life.  In reality, all I can really be responsible for is me and my actions, reactions and non actions.  That is really hard to do and remember.   

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and good week ahead. ~ Love, Momma Richter


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