This is My Country

The country that I call home won it's independence from tyranny and  taxation through a group of people who loved freedom and knew that such rights and freedoms were God given. Their convictions about being free were so steadfast that they fought and died for the future generations of this country. We are living in a time when there are many who take for granted or don't or won't recognize these rights and freedoms -- God given rights and freedom FROM  government control. We celebrate the 4th of July because we as a country won and cherish INDEPENDENCE from a tyrannical government in order to worship as we choose and live free, to dare to have dreams that can't be quashed by government regulations or taxation.  The human spirit will always live on, regardless of what the government tries to regulate.  Happy 4th of July to all of my friends and family.  Never lose sight that this holiday is about INDEPENDENCE, about the human spirit "yearning to be free." ~ Love, Momma Richter


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