Will We Wake Up In Time!

I'm a child of the '60s, and from what I remember, all the protests, all the violence, all the riots were against the establishment and about getting the government out of our lives.  Now, the most raucous of those groups protesting THEN are in charge of the government NOW, and for the past 20 to 30 years HAVE BEEN the government.  These are the same people who want to save the whales, are against the death penalty, and want to save the planet, but they don't mind killing a child in the womb.  These are the same people who tout separation of church and state and yell from the mountain tops for the government to get out of our bedrooms, and now with Obamacare, the government is telling the church what to do, and is pretty much standing in the entryway of each and everyone of our front doors telling us what we can and cannot do, asking for information they have no right to obtain and telling us how to run our lives -- everything from what we should eat, how we should illuminate our homes, how we should heat our homes, how to raise our children.  You name it, they have a regulation against it or for it.  But those of us who believe in freedom are racists, bigots, intolerant and mean spirited. 

With the latest Obama mandate concerning birth control and abortion, I figured we are screwed either way.  If we try to stop the government from forcing any employer, institution, corporation, or individual into providing birth control, then we are told we are stuck with the increase in welfare rolls because of all of the children that will be born to all the poor women who can't afford to take care of their children (born out of wedlock).  Has our society become so animalistic that now sex is a RIGHT.  Can people no longer control sexual urges.  People know whether or not they can afford to have a child and take the risk of having sex (but that's what marriage is supposed to be for, but that's a whole other story)  Has our society become so debased that because some in our society can't control a sexual urge, I have to pay with my hard earned tax dollars to either help them not become pregnant and/or abort their baby because they can't afford it, or pay with my tax dollars to help take care of their children.

I'm a Bible believing, freedom loving Constitutionalist; however, that no longer categorizes me as a conservative, and even less of a republican.  Even the conservative and/or republicans want to intrude into my life, but less so than a liberal democrat wants to. I no longer subscribe to either political party.  Whether you are conservative or liberal, republican or democrat, I don't want you or the government in my life telling me what to do. And I am tired of my hard earned dollars going down a rat hole to take care of somebody else and their offspring because of poor choices they have made or restraint they have not shown.  I have made poor choices in my life too, and I never expected nor did I receive help from the government or ask the taxpayer to give me a hand out.  My mother always told me, "you made your bed, now you lie in it." 

What is so sad is that so many in my family have served this country well and some are still serving it, and I hope for all of their sakes that service has not been and is not in vain.  We once had a great and free country, and I hope for the generations of my family to come it will return.

It comes down to this -- the government is out of control and WE THE PEOPLE need to regain control.  Society has, either on purpose or just by coincidence, pretty much numbed the minds of most of us with the ideals of Hollywood through electronic communication and other devices (from the television to the smart phone), and have successfully attempted to occupy the minds of most of us with unimportant things that we now deem are important.  We no longer remember what this country was founded on, nor the freedoms that we once had that are now lost.  I don't know if the country will wake up in time, but if it does, it may not be pretty.   ~ Love, Momma Richter


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